You know the old saying about pajamas. They're for sleeping, and that's it. You shouldn't spend too much time in your softies because they'll make you lazy or something like that—I don't remember exactly what Mama said, but she was wrong this time!
Mondays are different now. Because of #PajamaMonday
I reserve Mondays as a special occasion to let my hair down from adulting (and put on some soft threads) without fear of judgment.
It's no secret that professional women are often overwhelmed with juggling work and home life. When every day feels like a 10-mile marathon, taking care of yourself can feel impossible. But what if I told you - you can upgrade your self-care routine without leaving your house?
It's true – all you need is a little creativity and some planning.
I want to tell you all about #PajamaMonday and invite you to join me next week.
If you are a woman in business who needs permission to wear pajamas all day without feeling self-guilt because of society standards, keep reading.
What is #PajamaMonday?
Pajama Monday is a designated time in my week to preserve my well-being while lounging in pajamas.
It's hard to justify staying in your jammies when there are so many things you could be doing, right? It kinda goes against the whole boss babe/ hustle culture mentality of always getting to the money.
But there's something about staying in your PJs all day that feels powerful. So liberating.
My Mom gifted me some cool night pajamas from Soma over 5 years ago. The fabric was so soft. When the delicate threads draped my body in all the right places - these jammies took all the stress away. After spending a day floating at will, I woke up feeling amazing. Everyone around me noticed the difference, but more , I felt different.
As my business grew and became more in demand, I wanted to experience relaxation and freedom all day, not only at bedtime.
Before #PajamaMonday, I reserved Mondays for returning rentals, cleaning equipment, and "catching up" (which never seemed to work.)
No matter how many days of the week I worked, I always felt like I was behind schedule.
Now I realize I didn't need more time.
After years of building my business, I no longer perform these duties.
I've celebrated my company's growth by incorporating more delegation into my life and business. Delegation and outsourcing created a guilt-free self-care day.
#PajamaMonday was born!
While building my businesses, wearing so many hats, and learning how to take care of myself - Pajama Monday has become one of the only moments of me between all those bricks.
Pajama Monday is the official day of relaxation.
Myths about #PajamaMonday
It has to take place on a Monday
It has to be an all-day event
You will become lazy
You can wear the same pajamas you slept in last night
How to make the most of your #PajamaMonday?
The first thing I do the morning of #PajamaMonday is take a shower.
After that, it's all about skincare and perfume before picking out my favorite pajamas to wear for today!
Depending on the day, I choose between satin and cotton. Satin when I'm well-rested but need to relax and cotton when I'm sleep-deprived and have had sleepless nights designing or preparing for an event.
The process takes some time but knowing how much effort went into getting dressed makes me feel valuable.
Usually, I take a nap or 3. But all in all, it's all about Quain day.
#PajamaMonday means setting your list aside for a while and taking the time to smell the roses. No hard deadlines to meet or places to be.
The whole point of #PajamaMonday is to enjoy being home and doing nothing but what makes you feel happy and relaxed-whatever that means for you.
It is nice to have no pressure on you to get things done.
Other self-care practices
Physical- Gym 3 days a wee
Hire a cleaning lady
Use Insta Cart
Get a massage
Get a facial
Emotional- individual counseling and marriage counseling
Spiritual-Church, podcast, read
Social- lunches, live music, planning dinner parties
The benefits of having a consistent #PajamaMonday
I'm an empty-nester. During the holidays, everyone is home. But that doesn't stop #PajamaMonday.
When my family sees me wearing pajamas in my house, they know and respect that I'm marking off time for me. Sometimes it means that we're watching movies and eating popcorn all day. But for sure- no work will be done.
Pajama Monday is reserved for those who have earned them.
So I feel not one ounce of guilt for indulging and giving myself timeouts before starting another busy week.
I have done every job in my company. I am thankful to God for scaling it to full event planning and production company. It's been hard some days, but I can say it has been worth it. Mondays are my day of reward.
#PajamaMonday has become a welcomed change to —forgetting what everyone else thinks and doing me!
I knew I was on to something when I caught my workaholic husband relaxing in his pajamas on a Sunday afternoon. He jokingly told me it was "pajama Monday" which made me realize everyone needed this day.
Some of my Staff have adopted #PajamaMonday as well.
So, this Monday, grab your favorite pajamas and relax, knowing that you don't have to do anything but what makes you feel happy and relaxed. Use the hashtag #PajamaMondaysWithQuain to show off your comfy style, and let me know how you enjoyed your day!